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  • Phase 1: Research

    May 2024




    July 2024

    This includes:

    Talking to you: Getting input from residents, businesses, groups, and partners to understand thoughts and needs.

    Collecting and studying data: gathering information about the transport needs in Westminster, looking at shifting trends and user behaviours to make smart decisions.

  • Phase 2: Strategy Development

    July 2024




    September 2024

    This includes:

    Working together: we will be hosting community workshops and discussion groups with you to think about sustainable transport in Westminster and our aspirations and desires for the future.

    Getting public input: We will share the draft strategy with you so you can let us know what you think.

    Talking to key groups: we will work with all of our partners to ensure the plan hits the mark and reflects the feedback you have given us.

  • Phase 3: Finalisation & Adoption

    September 2024




    December 2024

    This includes:

    1. Using input: Putting the ideas from the public into our final Strategy, where possible.

    2. Publishing our Strategy: We will make our Sustainable Transport Strategy public and explain how we'll make it happen.

  • Phase 4: Launch & Monitoring

    December 2024





    This includes:

    Seeing how it’s going: keep checking if the plan is working by getting feedback from our residents, businesses and other key partners.